Food Corporation of India (FCI) has released vacancies for Punjab Regions for 860 posts of Watchman. The selection of candidates is to be done through written exam and physical endurance test. Now Written Exam is going to be held.
FCI Punjab Watchman Admit card 2022 for written exam
Latest News:
Test will be conducted on 09 October 2022. Admit card is available for download at direct link below.
Food Corporation of India released total 1240 posts of Chowkidar of whom 380 vacancies are for Haryana and 860 are for Punjab.
Candidates have to enter your Registration Number and password to download admit card.
Name of the
Food Corporation of India (FCI), Punjab
Post Name
application dates
11 October to 10 November 2021 for FCI Punjab and up to 19 November 2021 for FCI Haryana
Exam date
09 October 2022
Admit card
release date
24 September 2022 |
Admit card status
The written exam have 120 MCQ questions each carrying one mark. Duration of paper will be of 90 minutes. MCQ questions will be asked from Basic Arithmatic, GK pertaining to basic numeracy skills, Basic English, Basic India GK. No negative marking will be done for incorrect option filled by candidates.