DDU Result 2023 of B.A B.Com B.Sc All Exams

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDUGU) Gorakhpur, had recently declared the results of Various UG PG Courses examination. Those candidates who had appeared for any exam conducted by DDUGU, can now check their results online after declaration from this page link. 
The University of Gorakhpur is a teaching and residential-cum-affiliating University. It actually started functioning since September 1, 1957, when the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law and Education were started. In the following year, 1958, the faculty of science came into being. Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Agriculture came into existence in later years. 

DDU Gorakhpur University Result 2023 of B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. M.A. All Exams

DDUGU examination was conducted at various times of the year including regular / reappear exams. The courses includes B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. LLb LLM B.Ed. M.Ed. M.A. M.Com. M.Sc. etc. Gorakhpur University conducts annual exams and also declare their results.
Quick details;
Name of University
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDUGU)
B.Sc., B.Com., M.A., M.Sc. etc. All Courses
Exam Date
2021, 2022, 2023
Official website

The entrance exam results of various courses had been declared. DDUGU releases results of Bachelor & Masters UG PG courses on its official website ddugu.ac.in results page. It takes these exams for annual as well as entrance tests. 
Steps to check: 
1. Candidates need to visit ddugu.ac.in result page through below link.
2. Enter the roll number of the examination. Please note that your course is selected in the select field.
3. Now click on the check results link to get the result.
Your result of DDUGU Exam will be displayed by the website. After the appearance of the results, you can note down your qualifying status.

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDUGU) was established in 1973. It provides academic courses in Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Education (such as: BA, BSC, B.Com, B.Ed, MA, M.Sc, PG Diploma Certificate Courses etc). At present, with the establishment of new colleges and the creation of new districts, there are 123 colleges located in five districts of Gorakhpur Division. 

Direct link to check: