Questions from General Awareness section are asked in various SSC Exams. The syllabus given below is based on previous years pattern of questions. It will let candidates know what to prepare in this sections. On which topics they need to grip more. Here is the detailed syllabus of Geography, History, Polity, Economics, Current affairs, general science etc.
SSC GA/GK Syllabus for CGL CHSL JE MTS Steno Constable SI Exams
(a) Geography
SSC CGL Syllabus in English
CGL Syllabus in Hindi
(b) History
Ancient India
Indus valley civilization, Prehistoric period, Vedic age, Religious movements, Dynasties and rulers in ancient India, Magadha empire, Mauran empire, post mauran period pre gupta period, post gupta period etc.
Medieval India :
World -
Solar system, Earth, structure and composition, smallest and biggest, continents and countries, climate, oceans, ocean currents, waves, volcanoes, rivers and canal, major of river, canal, lakes, gulfs, oceans, mountains, atmosphere, pressure, winds and types, humidity and related terms, cyclones, deserts etc.
India -
Largest highest smallest and longest in India, Borders with neighboring countries, Monuments, Agriculture, Biosphere reserves, transportation, hill stations, Ports, Indian towns on rivers, towns associated with industries, railway manufacturing units, important crops & mineral resources industries & power plants, nicknames of Indian places etc.
Solar system, Earth, structure and composition, smallest and biggest, continents and countries, climate, oceans, ocean currents, waves, volcanoes, rivers and canal, major of river, canal, lakes, gulfs, oceans, mountains, atmosphere, pressure, winds and types, humidity and related terms, cyclones, deserts etc.
India -
Largest highest smallest and longest in India, Borders with neighboring countries, Monuments, Agriculture, Biosphere reserves, transportation, hill stations, Ports, Indian towns on rivers, towns associated with industries, railway manufacturing units, important crops & mineral resources industries & power plants, nicknames of Indian places etc.
SSC CGL Syllabus in English
CGL Syllabus in Hindi
Ancient India
Indus valley civilization, Prehistoric period, Vedic age, Religious movements, Dynasties and rulers in ancient India, Magadha empire, Mauran empire, post mauran period pre gupta period, post gupta period etc.
Medieval India :
Delhi sultanates, Dynasties and rulers in medieval India, Mughal empire, later Mughals, religious movements of medieval period.
(d) Economics
Economy: Economy: introduction, types and sectors, Policy and Salient features of Indian Economy, Indian Financial System, National Income, Agriculture, New Economic policy, Indian Fiscal system, Monetary policy, International Organizations, Five year Plans, Government Schemes, Banking in India, Inflation, Budget, Population, Important terms Planning in India etc.
(e) Current Affairs / Static GK : Last Six Months Current affairs that includes National & International updates, Appointments, Persons & Places in News, Current events
Sports & Events, Books & Authors, Awards and Honors, Countries Capital and Currencies,
World Organizations like UNO, UNESCO etc. related questions etc.
(f) General Sciences: This includes questions from Physics, Chemistry and Biology of 10th standard. You can check NCERT 10th Class syllabus for details.
(i) Physics: Common Questions are asked from:
Gravity, Motion, Work and Pressure, Units of Measurement, Sound, Heat, Electronics, Magnetism, Metals & Non-Metals, Carbon & Its Compounds,
(ii) Chemistry: Acids, Bases & Salts, Common Names & Uses of Various Compounds, Alloys, Chemical Reactions & Equations, Definitions
(iii) Biology : Vitamins & their names & functions, Diseases their causes (Virus, Becteria etc.) Human Body, Body Parts and Functions of Human, Animal and Plant Kingdom etc.
For Last Six Months Currents affairs, candidates can read monthly editions of Pratiyogita Darpan etc. magazines.
Modern India
Expansion of British Empire in India, Governor Generals and Viceroys of India and main events during their period, 1857 Revolt, Indian national movements, Important persons, Dates and events of Movements. Foreign Travellers who visited India, Religious Organizations and their Founders.
(c) Polity
India's Historical Background, Making of Constitution, Preamble of the Constitution, Salient Features, Fundamental Duties and Rights, Directive Principles of the State Policy, Supreme Court, High Court, The Union and its territory, Union Executive, Borrowed features, Citizenship, Commissions, State Legislative Assemblies, Parliament, Judiciary in India, Presidents, Important Amendments and Articles / Acts / Schedules of the Constitution, Prime Ministers of India, Chief Ministers of Indian States etc.(d) Economics
(e) Current Affairs / Static GK : Last Six Months Current affairs that includes National & International updates, Appointments, Persons & Places in News, Current events
Sports & Events, Books & Authors, Awards and Honors, Countries Capital and Currencies,
World Organizations like UNO, UNESCO etc. related questions etc.
(f) General Sciences: This includes questions from Physics, Chemistry and Biology of 10th standard. You can check NCERT 10th Class syllabus for details.
(i) Physics: Common Questions are asked from:
Gravity, Motion, Work and Pressure, Units of Measurement, Sound, Heat, Electronics, Magnetism, Metals & Non-Metals, Carbon & Its Compounds,
(ii) Chemistry: Acids, Bases & Salts, Common Names & Uses of Various Compounds, Alloys, Chemical Reactions & Equations, Definitions
(iii) Biology : Vitamins & their names & functions, Diseases their causes (Virus, Becteria etc.) Human Body, Body Parts and Functions of Human, Animal and Plant Kingdom etc.
For Last Six Months Currents affairs, candidates can read monthly editions of Pratiyogita Darpan etc. magazines.